Water withdrawal from Ground -and Surface water sources has become a global topic of concern in line with the growing concern for global warming. Our Freshwater sources are precious, highly influenced by global warming and therefore we need to manage them in a sustainable way. Freshwater is a major resource in fish farming, both in the land production phase (freshwater) and Sea phase (Seawater).

Our operations mainly withdraw freshwater from surface water sources, and contributes to about 98 % of our freshwater usage. In a long term perspective freshwater availability for our operations is essential. Our water intensive operations is located in Norway where the availability of fresh water is good. The availability and source of water is also regulated via long term permits from Local authorities and are usually given to one company per source location.

Even if the water availability and water quality is deemed good in Norway, there have been short time drought in areas where we have smolt production.


Our ambitions in this area

Lerøy aims to Manage, operate and monitor all our sources of freshwater and our withdrawals in a sustainable manner, making sure that we do not influence negatively wildlife, fauna, flora and humans ability to have access to fresh clean drinking water. In addition we aim to make sure as much as possible of the withdrawn water is not being consumed, but release back into the environment, as clean as possible.


What action has been taken

  • Investment in RAS technology
  • Commitments to ensure good management and surveillance of the water source, its wildlife, flora and fauna.
  • Routines to ensure that we fulfil all requirements regarding discharge of waste water.
  • Investments in water purification equipment and technology
  • Investments in water saving equipment
  • Increased dialogue with local authorities regarding both water withdrawals and water discharge.
  • Transport of wastewater to biogas production.
  • Implementation of strict internal requirements on ingoing and outgoing water to ensure safe food production, good animal welfare and fulfilment of hygiene standards.
  • Increased focus on reporting water related data thorough our environmental reporting system.


How we measure our impact

All operational units in Lerøy report water withdrawals per source and water discharge (effluents) by destination monthly through reporting tools in Cemasys. Our operations also measure and monitor different organic compounds in our waste water in accordance with requirements. Registered Non-conformities are reported to relevant stakeholders and corrective actions taken.



  • 80 % of salmon smolt production with RAS technology
  • Long term permits and agreements for usage of water sources
  • Routines for good management and surveillance of the water source, its wildlife, flora and fauna have been implemented.
  • None of the sources we use for our high water intensive operations are used as water reservoirs for drinking water.
  • Continuation of seeking opportunities for alternative wastewater applications (e.g biogas production)
  • Strict internal requirements to ingoing and outgoing water to ensure safe food production, good animal welfare and fulfilment of hygiene standards.
  • Reporting and data quality on water withdrawals and wastewater discharge have improved significantly.


Targets per KPI and Results per KPI

The Group managed to meet its expectation of a 5 % reduction of fresh water usage in 2020, but did not manage to meet this target in 2021. The result for 2021 was a reduction of 1,9 %, while the 2020 reduction was 5,09 %. Lerøy did not open any new RAS facilities in 2021. This explaines the lower reduction in use compared to 2020 where several was opened and replaced Flow-through systems. Lerøy have however had a high focus on good water managment and investments in equipment which helps reduce water usage  2021. 






Freshwater usage

-5 %

-1,9 %



*Insufficient data for 2018