Food waste policy

Owner/approver: Head of ESG & Quality 

Valid from: 2021-04-29



A total 7% of global emissions are caused by food waste. 38% of total energy consumption within global food production can be attributed to food lost from the value chain or thrown away. Lerøy Seafood Group (Lerøy) is committed to reducing food waste in the Group by 50% by 2030. The purpose of this policy is to describe how Lerøy shall take efforts to reduce food loss and food waste throughout the value chain.

Lerøy shall strive to achieve the ambition, throughout the value chain, for 1 kg fish to equal 1 kg of product for consumption.


Strive to increase survival for salmon and trout in order to reduce food loss and to ensure that the highest possible volume of the fish is processed for human consumption.

Wild Catch 

Strive to preserve as much as possible of residual raw materials and to produce meal, oil and ensilage.

VAP, Sales and Distribution

Strive to utilise the entire fish for products for human consumption and to reduce the number of fish that fall on the floor, non-utilised input factors and unsold products. We shall take efforts to provide the longest possible and appropriate shelf life for our products, and shall make use of new technology to increase shelf life.

Valid for

All Lerøy employees

We also encourage our employees to reduce the amount of food they throw away at home.


- Food waste: Edible parts of food produced for human consumption, but which are either thrown away or removed from the food supply chain for other purposes than human consumption after harvesting

- Food loss: Edible parts of food produced for humans, but which are either thrown away or removed from the food supply chain before or during harvesting

Framework and principles

The EU’s Farm to Fork strategy

Roles and responsibilities

  • All Lerøy employees within their areas of responsibility and disciplines are responsible for following the policy. 
  • The top management in each company is responsible for ensuring that the company has personnel with the competencies required to ensure compliance with local regulations. 

Policy ownership and implementation

  • The Head of ESG & Quality is the owner of this document, and is responsible for updates. 
  • The policy has been approved by the Corporate Management Group, presented to the Audit Committee and approved by  the Board of Directors
  • The CEO of Lerøy Seafood Group has overall responsibility for the policy.