
Contribute to the long-term sustainability and improvements of global fish resources.

Our operations within fisheries are based on fish as a natural resource. We therefore rely on proper management of the various species in the sea. Limitations on the harvest volumes of individual fish stocks come from Mother Nature herself.

Information on fishing volumes (catch statistics), monitoring of fish stocks and estimates provided by researchers from numerous countries all form the basis for the fishing quotas established.


The MSC recognizes well-managed and sustainable fisheries through a certification programme. The MSC sets principles and criteria for sustainable fisheries which are used by a third party and voluntary certification programme.

The MSC recognizes well-managed and sustainable fisheries through a certification programme. The MSC sets principles and criteria for sustainable fisheries which are used by a third party and voluntary certification programme.

These principles are: 

  • The maintenance and re-establishment of healthy populations of targeted species
  • The maintenance of the integrity of ecosystems
  • The development and maintenance of effective fisheries management systems, taking into account all relevant biological, technological, economic, social, environmental and commercial

Lerøy’s strategy is to support well-managed and sustainable fisheries and increase the share of certified fish.

MSC-certification of cod & haddoch within 12 nautical miles lost its certification in 2021 while outside 12 nm is still valid. There is considerable effort from the Norwegian fisheries management authorities to address the management of the coastal cod fishery. Its unknown when MSC certification within 12 nm will be obtained, but can take several years.

Read more here

Lerøy with its integrated value chain will be less affected by the fact that haddock within 12 nautical miles will not receive an extended MSC certificate. Several of our purchasing and production facilities are located in Finnmark, the most northern part of Norway that are closest to the fishing banks outside 12 nautical miles. They are all suited to buy fresh fish caught outside of 12 nautical miles from both external Lerøy partners as well as fresh and frozen fish from our own trawler fleet in Lerøy Havfisk.