The Group´s efforts to control salmon lice follow the principles of an IPM strategy to control salmon lice and keep the numbers at a low level in the long term. The overall goal is to reduce any negative impact on the environment and the need for active interventions.

The overall principles underlying this control strategy includes establishing acceptable levels (see details in Policy), preventive measures (as structural measures relating to use of locality, coordinated operations over larger geographical areas, zone collaboration, fallow periods in between production cycles, smolt quality and smolt weight as measures to reduce period of exposure, use of various types of physical barriers), monitoring, biological control and active interventions.

We work to minimize levels of adult female lice per fish.

MAIN GOAL PER FISH 2021:  0,11 (average per fish throughout the year)

Result: 0,18 

The level of sea lice has been relatively stabile the last years. Many biological and environmental factors influence the levels of sea lice, and 0,18 is still a nacceptable level, even though the main goal was not achieved for 2021.

KPI 2022: No exceedances of government limits

Limits for levels of adult female lice per fish set by the authorities varies throughout the year and differ depending on region. This is described in detail in the Group´s Policy for control of sea lice.


Policy: Control of salmon lice

KPI: Sea lice

Average number of lice