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SUSTAINABILITY LIBRARY 2023 About Lerøy Benchmarking & recognition

Benchmarking & recognition

With its catch of whitefish and the production of Atlantic salmon and trout, the Group is a globally competitive and sustainable food producer. The Group's performs its sustainability reporting in accordance with the GRI framework, and is part of the Group's annual report. Data from the Group's sustainability reporting is used by several organisations to assess Lerøy's performance on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues.  

One such organisation is Coller FAIRR, which annually publishes its Protein Producer Index. The index was established in 2018 to address the knowledge gap in the ESG risks associated with the food sector. It assesses 60 of the largest listed global meat, dairy, and aquaculture companies on ten ESG factors. 

Lerøy's focus and work on ESG is reflected in the index's result and was rated the 2nd best performing company in 2023.


Table of rating agencies and ranking