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1) Research licenses are time-limited with a duration of three years, from time of project start. The licenses have zero purchase price, and therefore no depreciation. The R&D license allocated to Lerøy Aurora in the table above legally belongs to Akvaplan Niva (third party) but is operated by Lerøy Aurora.
2) The teaching licenses are considered time-limited with a duration of 10 years. The licenses have zero purchase price, and therefore no depreciation. The teaching license allocated to Lerøy Aurora in the table above legally belongs to Troms- og Finnmark Fylkeskommune (third party) but is operated by Lerøy Aurora. The license allocated to Lerøy Sjøtroll legally belongs to Hordaland Fylkeskommune (third party) but is operated by Lerøy Sjøtroll.
Lerøy Seafood Group operates several special production sites/licenses to assure innovation regarding sustainability.