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SUSTAINABILITY LIBRARY 2023 Policies Policy: Occupational Health and Safety

Policy: Occupational Health and Safety

Occupational health and safety policy

Owner/approver: Head of ESG & Quality 

Valid from: 2022-04-11


Lerøy Seafood Group ASA (Lerøy) has a goal to be the leading and most profitable global supplier of sustainable high-quality seafood. In order to achieve this goal, it is crucial to establish priorities and direction, and to clearly define what factors are strategically important for success.

Lerøy Seafood Group is committed to providing safe and healthy workplaces, by preventing work-related injuries and ill-health, as well as proactively improving its health and safety performance, fulfilling legal and other relevant requirements and working towards achieving defined health and safety objectives..

This policy provides a brief and principal description of how Lerøy shall establish and further develop sustainable and proactive occupational health and safety management in relation to own and our business partners’ activities. It also outlines the long-term direction for Lerøy to support and continually improve its occupational health and safety performance providing an overall sense of direction, as well as framework for setting occupational health and safety objectives.

Lerøy aims to have zero injuries in the workplace and prevent all occupational illness. This is achieved through robust health and safety management which is decisive for succeeding with identifying, preventing and mitigating significant negative occupational health and safety impacts.

Systematic occupational health and safety measures shall be an integral part of all our activities. Lerøy and its activities shall be organized in a manner which ensures that the employees and workers are protected from harm to life and health. Prevention of injuries and accidents shall always be the company’s top priority. Lerøy welcomes and encourages proactive incident and hazard reporting as it is crucial for maintaining a safe and healthy work environment. There shall be no reprisals against either employees or workers as a consequence of reporting of hazards and/ or hazardous situations.

Lerøy shall work continuously with developing a strong and positive occupational health and safety culture which is supported by the company’s values, managerial practices, patterns of activities and competencies – core elements for ensuring and maintaining sustainable health and safety culture.

All employees and workers shall be welcomed to participate in dialogue regarding occupational health and safety thus influencing and developing a transparent two-way communication, consultation and participation practice. Lerøy shall ensure that employees and workers receive necessary and regular occupational health and safety training, and shall make active contributions to reinforcing occupational health and safety awareness in the company.

Lerøy is committed to:

  • Defining targets and tasks for the company’s occupational health and safety activities
  • Continuous identification, assessment, control and mitigation of risk
  • Non-conformities, incident and proposals for improvements shall be reported in LQMS
  • Measurement and assessment of registered occupational health and safety information
  • Implementation of necessary measures to improve and boost the company’s occupational health and safety performance
  • Support transparency and dialogue regarding occupational health and safety to continuously improve our occupational health and safety performance

Valid for

This policy applies to all employees and workers in the Group. Contracts with business partners operating in relation with Lerøy shall include requirements for compliance with the contents of this policy.


Employee - an individual who is in an employment relationship with the organization, according to national law or its application. Employees have a written employment contract directly with the organization.

Worker – an individual who performs work for a certain period of time (for example, seasonal workers etc.) and who is hired via manning agency. Workers have a written employment contract with manning agency.

Framework and principles

Lerøy is committed to complying with prevailing occupational health and safety regulations, guidelines and principles, defined in the following documents:

  • ISO 45001: 2017 Occupational health and safety management systems – Requirements with guidance for use

Roles and responsibilities

  • All employees and workers at Lerøy are responsible for complying with the policy and for contributing towards creating and sustaining a proper and safe working environment.
  • The top management in Lerøy Seafood Group and local management in each company is responsible for ensuring that the company has personnel with the competencies required to ensure compliance with local occupational health and safety regulations.

Policy ownership and implementation

  • The Head of ESG & Quality is the owner of this document, and is responsible for updates.
  • The policy has been approved by the Corporate Management Group, presented to the Audit Committee and approved by  the Board of Directors
  • The CEO of Lerøy Seafood Group has overall responsibility for the policy.