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SUSTAINABILITY LIBRARY 2023 Policies Policy: Plastic

Policy: Plastic

Plastic policy

Owner/approver: Head of ESG & Quality 

Valid from: 2021-04-29



Every year, more than eight million tonnes of plastic end up in the sea. Plastic in itself becomes a problem when it is carelessly disposed of and ends up as microplastic in the sea. Plastic should never, under any circumstances, end up in the natural environment.

Lerøy Seafood Group (Lerøy) is dependent upon clean seas to produce safe and sustainable products.

We are very much aware of our responsibilities, and this policy has been prepared to ensure that Lerøy reduces its plastic consumption in areas where there is the greatest risk of plastic pollution. Moreover, Lerøy shall preferably make use of recyclable plastic. If there are alternative materials to plastic that meet technical requirements and are more sustainable, these shall have preferential use. Plastic waste shall be sorted at source to minimise environmental impact.

For every 1 kg reduction in plastic, we save 5 kg CO2e.

We shall:


  • Replace plastic with a different and sustainable material that meets the technical requirements in areas where we currently use plastic and there is a high risk that the plastic will be inappropriately discarded
  • Make use of plastic that is preferably recyclable
  • Preferably use recycled plastic in plastic that is not in direct contact with food
  • Do not use more plastic than required for individual purposes
  • Sort plastic at source
  • Maintain an overview of plastic purchased and of waste management or recycling of these types of plastic
  • Try to make use of biodegradable plastic where there is a risk of inappropriate discarding. Biodegradable plastic is, however, sorted as residual waste and requires specific assessment in other areas.
  • Play an active role in removing plastic from the natural environment, and encourage employees to do the same
  • Encourage our partners to contribute to the fight against plastic pollution


On products:

  • Lerøy shall take the initiative together with the customer to reduce plastic consumption
  • Products shall have the optimal percentage of filling in order to reduce plastic consumption
  • Plastic used shall preferably be recyclable
  • Black plastic shall not be used and shall be phased out due to problems at recycling stations with optical sorting
  • Lerøy shall take measures to identify sustainable packaging alternatives to plastic.


Valid for

This policy applies to all employees.



  • Recyclable plastic – plastic material that can be recycled to create new plastic products
  • Bio-based plastic is made of corn, starch etc. that is degraded using micro-organisms
  • Percentage of filling – ratio between product volume and packaging volume
  • Black plastic – packaging coloured carbon black that cannot be detected by sorting machines


Framework and principles

Directive 2019/904 of 5 June 2019 on the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment
2002/72/EF (Plastic Directive).
Directive 2002/72/EF relating to plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with foodstuffs

Roles and responsibilities

  • All employees, but particularly those working with purchasing, product development and packaging, are responsible for following this policy.
  • The top management in each company is responsible for ensuring that the company has personnel with the competencies required to ensure compliance with local regulations.

Policy ownership and implementation

  • The Head of ESG & Quality is the owner of this document, and is responsible for updates.
  • The policy has been approved by the Corporate Management Group, presented to the Audit Committee and approved by  the Board of Directors
  • The CEO of Lerøy Seafood Group has overall responsibility for the policy.