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SUSTAINABILITY LIBRARY 2023 Policies Policy: Political Involvement

Policy: Political Involvement

Political involvement policy

Owner/Approver: CEO of Lerøy Seafood Group

Valid from: 2022-04-01



Lerøy Seafood Group ASA and all it’s underlying subsidaries are politically neutral. We do not affiliate with any political party in any country and we do not make political donations to political parties or to any candidate running for office, nor sell products or provide services that endorse political parties.


Public Policy Involvement

The following is stated in Lerøy Seafood Group ASA’s Code of Conduct:

LSG does not support individual political parties or individual politicians. LSG has the right to take part in public debate, when in the interests of the Group.

Lerøy’s business all over the world is impacted both directly and indirectly by political decisions and public policy at all levels, including local, regional, national and internationally.

Lerøy participate in the public policy dialogue and debate when needed to share our knowledge on how decisions may impact our customers, our employees or other parts of our business.

In such occasions we share our insight and ideas as a contribution to relevant policy issues that affects our ability to achieve our goal of creating the world`s most effective and sustainable value chain for seafood.



We do not attempt to improperly influence any official or policy maker at any level to gain a business advantage for Lerøy. This is lined out in our Code of Conduct Chapter 4 - Corruption.


Membership in organizations

Lerøy is a member of numerous industry and trade groups, and partners with various nonprofit organizations and non-governmental organizations, both at a local, national and international level.

This include organizations that represent the seafood industry, food industry and the business community on issues that are important to our stakeholders. 

We provide information directly to stakeholders or through our memberships of trade or policy focused organizations. Such policy engagement and political activities must always comply with Lerøy’s Code of Conduct and all applicable laws.


Employees political involvement

A democratic society is dependent on conscious and engaged citizens that takes part in the societies political and democratic processes.

Lerøy’s employes therefore have the right to be engaged in democratic political processes through political parties, NGOs and other kinds of political engagement in their individual private capacity as they see fit.

In such occasions private political activities must not in any way suggest Lerøy’s support or involvement. Our Code of Conduct states:

  • Employees have the right to take part in democratic political activities, but this must take place without reference to or connection with the employees’ relationship to LSG.
  • Without exception, employees shall be entitled to join or establish trade unions according to their free will


In addition, the employees personal political activities shall not be an argument or basis for adverse employment action as long as those activities are within the law and in full compliance with Lerøy’s Code of Coduct.

Valid for

All employees and contract labour shall comply with Lerøy’s  policy for political involvement.



Framework and principles

  • Lerøy’s Code of Conduct
  • The United Nations Global Compact principles on Human Rights, Labour, Environment and Anti-corruption
  • National and local laws

Roles and responsibilities

  • All those who work at Lerøy are responsible for ensuring that the act in accordance with Lerøy’s policy for political involvement.
  • The top management in each company is responsible for ensuring compliance with this policy.

Policy ownership and implementation

  • The CEO at Lerøy Seafood Group is the owner of this document, and is responsible for updates.
  • The policy has been approved by the Corporate Management Group, presented to the Audit Committee and approved by  the Board of Directors