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SUSTAINABILITY LIBRARY 2023 Policies Policy: Waste management and sorting

Policy: Waste management and sorting

Policy for Waste   

Owner/approver: Head of ESG & Quality 

Valid from: 2021-04-29



Lerøy Seafood Group, hereby referred to as Lerøy, shall continuously work to reduce the non-organic -and organic waste produced throughout our value chain. This includes both hazardous and non-hazardous wastes. In addition we aim to continue our work to implement a circular waste economy. This is reflected in our targets to increase the volume inorganic waste which is recycled to 65 % by 2030, and our target to reduce our food waste every year.

Lerøy have in recent years been in the forefront in regard to commitment and actions taken to clean our beaches for waste. We will continue our efforts as we see that the local engagement is significant and that our joint efforts are producing good results.

Our program for fishing for litter will also continue in the foreseeable future. We aim to Increase the uptime where our fleet collect wastes from our Ocean, and make sure that this waste is handled and disposed of in a sustainable way.

It`s becoming increasingly important to have dialog with waste handling contractors and local authorities regarding waste handling. To be able to reach our targets we need to collaborate to make sure that as much of our waste as possible are being handled in a sustainable manner. Through several different initiatives on waste handling and management we aim to Increase our knowledge and our Influence on decision-making bodies to make sure that our waste is handled and disposed of in a sustainable manner. As a result of this, Lerøy entered into a group agreement in 2022 on waste management for our Norwegian operations. The experience and knowledge we acquire from this collaboration we aim to implement also in our European operations.

Lerøy encourage all employees to sort their waste also at home in a sustainable manner.



This policy is applicable for all employees in Lerøy.



Hazardous waste: waste that pose a substantial or potential severe threat to public health or environment.

Non-Hazardous waste: Waste that does not pose a direct threat to public health or environment.


  • Forskrift om gjenvinning og behandling av avfall (avfallsforskriften)
  • Waste framework Directive (EC 2008/98)
  • Shipment of waste (EC 1013/2016)
  • List of waste (EC 2014/955)


  • All employees have the responsibility to follow this policy.
  • The local management is responsible for the company having competent personnel who ensure compliance locally to the policy.


  • Head of ESG & Quality is the owner of this document and is responsible also for updating the document.
  • The policy has been approved by the Corporate Management Group, presented to the Audit Committee and approved by  the Board of Directors
  • The CEO in Lerøy Seafood Group has the overall responsibility for the policy.
  • The Group Waste Policy shall be available through the Group's quality management system.