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Privacy Policy


This privacy policy statement is about how Lerøy Seafood Group ASA with subsidiaries collects and utilises personal data about you. Our intention is to assure you that laws and regulations are complied with when you visit our website.

Contact information

Lerøy Seafood Group ASA with subsidiaries is the data controller for the company's processing of personal data. If you have questions or comments about this statement or how we process personal data, please contact us by filling in our contact form on our web page, or send a letter to Lerøy Seafood Group ASA, PO Box 7600, N-5020 Bergen, Norway.

Purpose and basis for processing of personal data

This privacy statement is related to our collection, use and processing of personal data when you use our services as a customer or potential customer, visit our websites, or private and/or business-related contact. This can be regarding:

·        Customer management

·        Follow-up of customers and suppliers

·        Recruitment

·        Inquiries regarding sponsor activities

·        Statistics on our website (cookies)

·        News letters

·        Market research

Which data is processed?

Most of the information we process are collected directly from you when you make use of our services or contact us in any way. We only use necessary personal information about you, such as:

·        Name and contact information in connection with inquiries

·        Information relevant to the relationship with customers, suppliers and other associates

·        Identity information related to recruitment purposes or other applications

·        Cookies associated with web statistics

·        Name and contact information when entering our contests

·        IP-address when visiting our web page

We process both personally identifiable information (PII), and non-personally identifiable information about you. Personally identifiable information is information that identifies you as an individual. Non-personally identifiable information is information and other particulars that do not reveal your personal identity.

Web analytics and cookies

We use cookies on our websites for statistics, communication, and improvement of the user experience. We use common Internet technologies, including Google Analytics, to gather information about users so that we can always provide the best possible functionality and further develop information options on the website. This information is retrieved from the computer's browser and may include the IP address, operating system, browser software (such as "Microsoft Internet Explorer"), screen resolution and sender network page.

By using our webpages, you agree to the use of cookies. We do not store information that can identify you personally through this. The most commonly used browsers (Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, etc.) are set up to accept cookies automatically. If you do not want cookies to be saved, most browsers will offer the option to deactivate cookies in the browser menu under "Settings." We note that our websites will not work optimally if you deactivate cookies.

How we safeguard the data

We ensure that the processing of personal data is secure and lawful, and only uses this information for expressly stated and legitimate purposes, in accordance with applicable legislation. We ensure correct data security related to confidentiality, integrity and accessibility. Personal data will not be stored longer than is necessary to be able to accomplish the purpose of the processing.

We ensure that our employees and our data processors that have access to information about you, process your personal data in accordance with this statement and our obligations pursuant to privacy protection legislation.

Your rights

As a rule, you have the right to access, correct and delete personal data that we processes about you. The privacy protection regulations, in certain situations, entitle you to demand restrictions on processing, to object to the processing and to receive data in a machine readable format (data portability). You also have the right to withdraw consent for processing personal data about you. 

If you wish to exercise these rights, we ask that you contact us by email or mail. See contact information at the beginning of the statement.

We delete personal data when a user notifies us that he / she no longer wishes to use the service.  For example, your e-mail address that is used for the sending of newsletters will be deleted when you unsubscribe, but also if we receive feedback that it (e-mail address) is not active.

Amendments to the statement

We reserve the right to amend or update the Privacy Policy Statement. All changes are valid from the time they are posted and will include information collected from that date as well as existing information stored by us. 


Last updated 08.07.2018