Improve our climate


We are committed to reducing the greenhouse gas emissions from our operations.

The Group keeps a focus on eco-friendly solutions and works on keeping both direct and indirect  emissions as low as possible.

The framework selected for calculating CO2 emissions includes emissions from combustion processes required for the Group’s operations. This is referred to below as direct emissions, Scope 1.

The Group also wanted to gain an overview of the indirect impact on global warming of the company's  activities and has therefore also included COemissions from the production of electricity consumed by the Group. This is referred to below as indirect emissions, Scope 2.

All sources of greenhouse gas emissions from the Group's core activities have been included in the calculations.

The purchase of products and services, scope 3 is calculated for 2019 but not for 2020. 

The group had a goal for 2020 to map scope 3 for 2019 in order to set Science Based Targets by 2030. This was implemented and we are pleased to announce that we have now had our science based targets approved by The Steering Committee of The Science Based Targets initiative.

By introducing SBT, The Group has set a clear course for climate reduction throughout the entire value chain. Both the company's board, group management and employees are behind the goals that have been set and we will work well together through "One Lerøy" to ensure that we will achieve the goals that have been set.

Main goal:

 “Lerøy Seafood Group ASA commits to reduce absolute scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions 46% by 2030 from a 2019 base year.”

The target is aligned with a 1,5 degrees C pathway.

Greenhouse gas emissions

The tables provide a summary of consumption of fossil fuels and electricity, and  greenhouse gas emissions per segment and in total.


Total Consumption of fossile fuels (Scope 1)

  Unit 2017 2018 2019 2020
Diesel liters 2 152 314 2 231 538 2 609 865 2 639 377
Marine gas oil (MGO) liters 3 873 248 3 540 847 3 656 064 3 549 989
Petrol liters 223 333 189 285 264 596 415 777
Biodiesel fuel (HVO) liters 26 200 - - -
LPG (Propane) kg 58 328 - - -
Fuel oil liters 21 181 26 202 84 271 206 764
Refrigerants kg - - 1 921 478
Wild catch          
Diesel liters - 3 192 9 782 8 589
Marine gas oil (MGO) liters 32 359 151 36 538 544 35 559 152 38 723 297
LPG (Propane) kg - - 203 780
LPG (Propane) liters       1 136
Petrol liters       503
VAP, Sales and Distribution          
Diesel liters 163 577 164 451 556 802 402 883
Petrol liters 22 024 25 154 24 260 28 087
Natural gas m3 2 096 - 24 267 76 287
LPG (Propane) kg - - 50 935 53 825
LPG (Propane) liters - - - 132
Fuel oil liters 18 165 19 254 17 525 18 051
Refrigerants kg 75 74 - 96
The Group          
Diesel liters 2 315 891 2 399 181 3 176 449 3 050 849
Marine gas oil (MGO) liters 36 232 399 40 079 391 39 215 216 42 273 286
Petrol liters 245 357 214 439 288 856 444 367
Biodiesel fuel (HVO) liters 26 200 - - -
Natural gas m3 2 890 - 24 267 76 287
LPG (Propane) kg 58 328 - 51 138 54 605
LPG (Propane) liters - - - 1 268
Fuel oil liters 39 346 45 456 101 796 224 815
Refrigerants kg 76 74 1 921 574

The data is verified by an independent third party.


Total Consumption of electricity (Scope 2)

  Unit 2017 2018 2019 2020
Farming  MWh 75 828,6 82 019,7 98 393,0 134 180,2
Wild catch MWh 42 188,6 19 267,5 22 620,7 25 570,4
VAP, Sales and Distribution MWh 15 066,2 9 410,7 25 370,2 29 576,2
The Group MWh 135 628,1 110 697,9 146 383,9 189 326,8

The data is verified by an independent third party.


Total tonnes of CO2 equivalent (tCO2e)

  Unit 2017 2018 2019 2020
Scope 1 tCO2e 17 092 16 328 18 831 18 461
Scope 2 tCO2e 3 944 3 692 3 837 5 501
Total tCO2e 21 036 20 020 22 668 23 962
Wild catch          
Scope 1  tCO2e 88 543 101 395 98 720 107 501
Scope 2 tCO2e 2 194 867 882 1 048
Total tCO2e 90 737 102 263 99 603 108 549
VAP, Sales and Distribution          
Scope 1  tCO2e 833 841 1 798 1 830
Scope 2  tCO2e 1 981 2 304 2 757 3 376
Total  tCO2e 2 815 3 145 4 554 5 205
The Group          
Scope 1 tCO2e 106 473 118 565 119 349 127 792
Scope 2 tCO2e 8 246 6 863 7 476 9 925
Total tCO2e 114 719 125 427 126 825 137 717

The data is verified by an independent third party.


CO2e emissions for fish are in general low. When compared with other types of  proteins we eat, salmon has the lowest eco-footprint.


Lerøy Seafood Group («Lerøy») is continuously working to improve its Co2e emission monitoring and reporting. Information on emissions is crucial for understanding and responding to environmental pollution. However, we acknowledge that the data quality is not perfect and we strive to improve our data quality and current reported values will be updated if we identify any deviations.   

The Group has completed a comprehensive analysis of climate related risks and opportunities to which we believe the Group is exposed over the short, medium and long term. This analysis has confirmed the importance of measuring and reporting environmental performance  

Lerøy has set ambitious science based targets to reduce our environmental footprint: We aim to reduce our Co2e emissions by 46% by 2030 compared to 2019 levels. (ref: Climate Policy). Lerøy has defined 2019 as the base year for our science-based climate target as this was the first year all operating segments in the Group were included in the emission reporting. The Group’s operating segments comprise the following: 1) Wild Catch 2 ) Farming  and 3) Value Added Processing which also includes sales and distribution.  

Our emissions are reported according to the GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard.  

The GHG Protocol Corporate Standard requires reporting a minimum of scope 1 and scope 2 emissions and you will find this in our updated 2020 emission report. This means that our 2020 report is based on operational control and includes only activities which Lerøy controls. We aim to include emissions data from relevant scope 3 activities in 2021.  

The reported emission figures have been collected throughout 2020 from relevant suppliers via invoices and direct monitoring,  and are based on the same data source as the figures reported in Lerøy’s 2019 annual report.  

The reported figures provide the best estimates at the end of the reporting period and any amendments will be implemented in our annual report for 2021.  

Emissions data covers reporting of the following greenhouse gases: carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and perfluorocarbons (PFCs). The Group has not been contributing to any biogenic Co2 emissions in 2020. 

For more details regarding methods for calculating Scope 1 and Scope 2 as well as conversion factors, please, contact Head of ESG and Quality, Anne Hilde Midttveit.


The three most important options to decrease our emissions:

  • Changing feed composition
  • Less transportation by air
  • Switching to alternative fuels